- Sixteen mc’s faced each other to show who deserved the crown in this second edition of Young Blood in Madrid
The freestyle in all its essence came to the event of culture and urban sport, the Madrid Urban Sports.
Sixteen brave ones presented themselves after a hard-fought online preliminary phase centralized on the Urban Roosters website, where all participants uploaded a test video and out of 32, only 16 were to be chosen for the eighth face-to-face round at the event.
Urban Roosters provided a team of judges of the highest level composed of ELEKIPO, RETU, MARC and BABI.
A first test without elimination
Crossfire was the test chosen by the organization of Urban Roosters, a cowardice test that kicked off the competition. In this way, the judges, from 1 to 10, evaluate the competitors to carry out the order of the confrontations of the competition.
A two-round round of 16, Freestyle and words
We highlight the duel of Étiko against Masto. In this confrontation there was no mercy from Etiko, we all knew who was going to be the winner before starting the second round.
A very close semi-final
Despite not being able to beat the finalists ZAIKO and BIBI, EFE-R and CDFLEX showed that they were a step above the rest of the participants from a lyrical and lucid point of view.
The city of Almeria can be proud. This great cradle of freestyle has brought two great MC’s who have managed to make a great role and also will remain for the memory of the event.
In the semifinal we had fr and cdflex two mcs from Almeria. And a very close semifinal of which only two could pass.
The grand final Zaiko against Bibi
The final had an indisputable winner. ZAIKO destroyed BIBI in the three rounds. There was no Réplica. Zaragoza slept proud.